Join us in our mission to champion Cornwall’s living traditions locally, nationally and internationally, so that everyone can cherish and celebrate Cornish culture.
Your support enables us to:
Break down barriers to participating in Cornish culture, whether those are financial, physical or social.
Make information about Cornish culture more easily accessible, for example online resources.
Empower and inspire the next generation to take ownership of Cornish culture, developing thriving, living traditions.
Build on links with Cornwall’s rich network of international connections including the Celtic world and the Cornish mining diaspora.
MAKE a donation
We will shortly have a Just Giving page for you to make a one-off donation, please check back soon!
We’re also looking into re-launching our Friends scheme, and if you’d like more information you can express your interest by emailing
leave a gift in your will
Are you passionate about supporting the next generation of tradition bearers? Do you believe that our traditions and customs should be celebrated and protected?
A donation in your will, no matter how big or small, can help make sure Cornwall’s rich culture continues to inspire generations to come.
An unrestricted gift makes sure we can direct funds where they’re most needed, however you can also restrict your gift to a particular area of our work. Please consult your solicitor for the best way to include Lowender in your will.
Information you will need:
Charity Name: Lowender CIO
Charity Number: 1200724
Charity Registered Address: Royal Circus Buildings, Back Lane West, Redruth TR15 2BT
If you decide to include a gift to Lowender in your will, please let us know – this will give us the opportunity to thank you and show you how your gift will make a difference.
You can let us know by contacting
Become a corporate sponsor
Cornwall’s rich cultural heritage is what makes it such as special place to live, work and visit. By supporting us, you’ll be helping make sure Cornish culture thrives.
We can arrange a bespoke package to suit every budget, which could include opportunities such as:
Reaching your target audience and good news stories for local and social media
Volunteering opportunities for employees Employee perks such as event tickets
Opportunity to align support with a particular area of work e.g. youth music development
And we’d be pleased to have an informal chat about how we can help you meet your business goals.
If you’re looking for experience with events, heritage, arts, culture, or simply looking to meet a great bunch of people and get involved Lowender, we’re always hugely grateful for any time or skill you can offer.
Most people find out about Lowender through word of mouth, and there is no more powerful promotional tool than a personal recommendation.
One of the most helpful things you can do to support us is talk about us with your friends, encourage people to join our mailing list and interact with us on social media sharing news and updates.