
We’re always happy to hear from groups who are interested in performing at Lowender or one of our events throughout the year.


Our mission is to advocate for Cornish culture from the ground up, connecting communities and championing Cornwall’s living traditions locally, nationally and internationally.


Cornish cultural representatives

By Cornish culture, we mean aspects of Cornwall’s distinctive intangible cultural heritage which could broadly encompass music, dance, song, theatre, language, dialect, customs, sport or even culinary traditions. We welcome the full breadth of diversity this encompasses from the traditional to the contemporary. 

International representatives

For our Celtic festival October we always look to feature performers representing the wider Celtic world – culture of Brittany, the Isle of Man, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. 

We also welcome groups from Asturias and Galicia. 

We’re developing an annual programme of concerts showcasing some of the finest exponents of Cornish music alongside special invited guests.  

We have an interest in exploring Cornwall’s mining diaspora and links with places like Australia, America, Mexico, South Africa, and places where other indigenous minority languages are spoken.  

We encourage you to have a look at our ‘What’s On’ section and festival pages to see if you think what you offer fits our programme, but we’re also open to new ideas! Get in touch here (link to contact us).